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The purposes of the Chapter shall be to foster and promote standards of professional training effectiveness, and recognition of TRIO Programs (e.g. Educational Opportunity Centers, Educational Talent Search, Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement, Student Support Services, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, and Veterans Upward Bound) and educational personnel who are in institutions of higher education and in other public and private agencies and organizations concerned with or engaged in the support and/or administration of educational opportunity.

  • To service the needs and interests of (1) students, faculty, and administrators in institutions of higher education, and (2) individuals in public and private agencies and organizations concerned with or engaged in the support and/or administration of TRIO and Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP) by promoting and facilitating the coordination of educational opportunities and by advising and assisting in the promotion and development of positive program implementation.

  • To promote and facilitate communication between institutions of higher education and the sponsors of student aid funds.

  • To stimulate, promote, and conduct systematic studies and research, cooperative experiments, education, conferences, and such other related activities as are desirable or necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Chapter.

​Contact Us: 

ILLINOIS TRIO: 1140 W. Taylor St. #991, Chicago, IL 60607

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